Monday, September 20, 2010

Kickbike Hammer Fest


  1. WOW!!! What a blast at the resovoir tonight. Terry ,Joe, Mike, and James did the "kick-bike" thing just for some cross-training workout, and boy did we work it out!!! Joe, in his "youthful wisdom" took us off road. At first I was'nt sure what was going on,but after a mile or so,it all "kicked" in (no pun intended).All the obstacles to avoid while going all out on the trails, "what a rush" never thought i'd say that about a footbike, but defintley a great time!!! If and when it's posted to do again, you should put in your reservation,cause the footbikes are going fast!!!!(again ,,no pun intended)..

    P.S. BK, you need to do this,,, you to Caleb!!!!

  2. What an awesome ride. Joe, you are sick, dude. We need to do that again, or at least until we get kicked off.

  3. Joe, I really think we need to start thinking about the shoe???????


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